Ashley: I went to France last summer with my family, and my only regret is not starting this blog earlier! I have so many beautiful gorgeous pictures of food, but I have no idea what the restaurants were called or what the dishes were anymore. But I thought it would still be interesting to do a throwback kind of post. This particular restaurant was at a farmhouse! I'm pretty sure it was family run, and most people who ate there were actually French. My dad had found the restaurant from reading Rick Steves' travel book. And I'm so happy he did, because the food here was not only *gorgeous*, but tasted amazing as well. Looking back on all of the food pictures I took during our vacation in France, this was one of the few restaurants that I actually distinctly remember. Just not the name, unfortunately :(
Anyway! This post will be more pictures than text, since my memory of the taste of the actual food is quite vague now. This restaurant had two dining rooms, a main one, and one off to the side in another building. My family and I were seated in the side dining room, which I thought was nice because it was a lot quieter. The interior decor looked like this:
The table was set so nicely. And yes, France was I swear the only trip where I consistently resorted to using Instagram. I just thought it brought out the rustic setting of the whole place! Here is a close-up of the plate set up and a part of their drinks menu:
Ahhh the colors all went so well together! Since I don't remember much about the menu, I'll proceed to the food! I do remember this being a two course meal, where in addition to the main entree each of us could either select an appetizer or a dessert. I think my whole family picked appetizers.

Yes, this was an appetizer! This restaurant overall had better portion sizes than those typical of most French restaurants. I remember this dish very well. The French are known for their foie gras dish. And of course, being a tourist, it was one of those things on our list to try. It's made out of the liver of duck, and I'm pretty sure it's banned from the US. It's really buttery and creamy. Unfortunately, I really really did not like this dish. I know it's a delicacy and all, but something about the taste mixed with the slimy texture of the whole thing just clashed for me. I wasn't able to finish more than a couple bites. The chefs in French restaurants often personally come to your table during your meal to ask if you liked the dish. So to avoid offending them, my parents ate the rest of my foie gras too, even though they had already finished their own relatively big pieces.

I took pictures of everyone's food. I want to say this was my sister's appetizer? It was an assortment of cheeses wrapped with other stuff. It almost looks like sushi! No idea how it tasted since I don't think I tried it. But it sure looks pretty!
This dish I do remember! The red wine sauce made this dish amazing. The pork itself was ok, not too flavorful, and I remember it being a little bit tough to chew. But with that red wine sauce, I finished the whole thing without a problem! The quiche and garlic bread slice were also pretty good! It was the perfect serving size as well. My whole dinner experience left me feeling satisfied, not bloated.
The rest of the pictures are the dishes that the rest of my family ordered. I can't write much about them because I have no idea what the dish was. But I hope you guys enjoy the pictures nonetheless!
The end! Sort of a different post, but I figured that since I've traveled to so many places and I have all these beautiful pictures of food to share, I might as well! Even though I don't remember the details of the dishes. I have so many more meals from France to share. So if you're interested, definitely keep an eye out for this series!
Happy eating!
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